G- today. She took the carriage from the Fisher-Price castle and drove it all over the house. Then disappeared. I heard noises coming from the vacuum closet and opened it to surprise her and got a gorgeous smile so I talked her into hiding again so I could capture it. Yes, she's wearing a bathing suit in October. No, it's not warm outside. Yes, she has purple paint on her chest. I was cleaning and left some paint out that A- was using while G- napped. G- decided to use it to paint her left hand, her chin, and her chest. Yesterday, the girls were playing in the car where I had inadvertently, and stupidly, left my purse. G- got my lipstick out and had it smeared over one leg and her face and A- had put some on her lips, sort of, and had gotten A-n-n-e written out on her leg by the time I got there. Hey, at least they were sharing.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Some recent photos:
Preschool, daddy helped her make a stairstep with the number rods.
From the child that used to never be able to play by herself. "Look mom, I made a ship." Looks more like a train to me, but if it's a ship, it's a ship. The counting bears are passengers.
Completely on her own, from the idea to the execution, I swear. She learned to spell exit while on airplanes to and fro from Ohio.
On the Pumpkin Express train last weekend.
G- on the Pumpkin Express. She got woken up to get on the train so not her finest moment, but boy, doesn't she have pretty eyes?

The girls loving daddy reading time. Sometimes he even reads the actual words.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
New words
G- has some new words:
dauto is auto (German for car)
high-wo is hello, she really likes this one lately
squeak squeak sound is bird, she says this when she wants to read her Find the Bird book
poo-poo, really means potty, she says this when she wants to read her book with the girl sitting on a potty
Can you tell we're into books lately? A- is also enjoying reading books. Her favorite lately is Puzzle Town when she has to do something on each page to help the kids find the party. Last night we didn't get to bed until late so I told her we didn't have time to read but I could do a quick story. She requested the story be about Katy and Tim (the characters in the book) and I said what was on each page and she pretended to do each action in the dark (e.g. match up the people with their shoes in the shoe store, or find the cakes and cookies on the sign with the cakes in the bakery).
And of course, we have some ballet books to look at because A- is in love with ballet. Every day she asks how many days til ballet class.
dauto is auto (German for car)
high-wo is hello, she really likes this one lately
squeak squeak sound is bird, she says this when she wants to read her Find the Bird book
poo-poo, really means potty, she says this when she wants to read her book with the girl sitting on a potty
Can you tell we're into books lately? A- is also enjoying reading books. Her favorite lately is Puzzle Town when she has to do something on each page to help the kids find the party. Last night we didn't get to bed until late so I told her we didn't have time to read but I could do a quick story. She requested the story be about Katy and Tim (the characters in the book) and I said what was on each page and she pretended to do each action in the dark (e.g. match up the people with their shoes in the shoe store, or find the cakes and cookies on the sign with the cakes in the bakery).
And of course, we have some ballet books to look at because A- is in love with ballet. Every day she asks how many days til ballet class.
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