Monday, December 24, 2007

Really almost Christmas

I can't finish Christmas until the girls fall asleep and that is taking... awhile. So I might as well put up some pictures from church this afternoon. For once, A- didn't fight me on what to wear. G- of course did because she had to wear a diaper and she's been diaperless during the day the last week or so. We went to the family service at 4:00 and had a busy day before that making Rice Krispie treats and sugar cookies and playing hide-and-seek.
Here they are after church:

Can you feel the sisterly love?

This was G- yesterday helping her new stuffed animal to go potty:

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Almost Christmas

It's almost Christmas and I never posted about Thanksgiving! R- was working so the girls and I went to Ohio. We seem to be on a once a month plan. The weather was unseasonably warm when we got there but turned colder. G- got to see her favorite horses again.

The girls are playing with rice in the laundry room right now. Unfortunately, they poured kool-aid into the bin of dry rice so it's sticky now. I'm ignoring it for awhile before I throw them in the bathtub to de-sticky. They both have colds, and I think A- has pinkeye, but it does look a little better today than yesterday.

We (meaning me) did a lot of cleaning yesterday and today made some chocolate covered pretzels for gifts. I'm psyching myself up to make some sugar cookies. We're also babysitting a friend's beta fish.

I've been wanting to record G-'s word list. It goes something like this (not necessarily by frequency of use or emergence):
uh-uh (for "no")
guh-guh (for "car")
'lo (for "hello")