Thursday, June 7, 2007

Lots of outside time

We've sure been getting our fresh air quota lately. The girls keep playing in the rainwater that R- collects (they LOVE to help him collect it too and work very carefully to pour it into buckets). It's better than a pool! A- pours water on G-'s head and then R- pours water on A-. She laughs. We also took a walk/bigwheel/bike ride to the nearby park yesterday after supper. I pushed G- in the stroller and A- rode her bigwheel and R- rode his bike. A- kept wanting to stop and take a rest and we would read the house numbers. They both climbed all over the playset (no swings thank heavens) and G- climbed all the way up and went down the twisty slide all by herself. She also learned to go up the pirate chain ladder and then A- did because she saw G- doing it.

R- took them to the library this morning while I went to the chiropracter and TJMaxx. It's very windy but a nice day - I love the new bike trails, I hardly have to be on the road at all.

1 comment:

oma and opa said...

I am so happy to see them enjoying the simple things in life. You are both so good at spending quality time together. Family time is so precious.