Friday, February 15, 2008

Five years old!

A- turned five on the 10th but we had her party on the 9th. Three friends came over and we made a little picture frame craft (gotta love my Usborne books for craft ideas!), had lunch and cake and a pinata that A- has wanted for two years and we finally remembered to include. Oma and Opa were here to help her celebrate.

What a great birthday - she was so excited about everything.

Afterwards we went to the park to celebrate Valentine's Day with some playgroup/La Leche League friends. The weather was great, just like it was on the February day when we brought her home from the hospital.

Her big present was a guinea pig whom we named Oreo. She has wanted a pet for months (years?) so she was quite excited. And neighbor S- had even gone with us to the park so she got to go with us to pick out the guinea pig!

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