Sunday, July 8, 2007


I hung up the hummingbird feeder today so maybe we'll get some visits. I also found a cool website that tells what species visit by state so maybe I can identify them! When I had the feeder up a couple summers ago, I didn't recognize the species.

I also fed the worms cantouloupe rinds, they love them. S- and A- helped me put in the paper strips. Apparently it's been awhile since I fed them because they were down to just a little newspaper to eat.

A- and I went to church and left G- with dad because she was running a fever yesterday. I tried to get A- to go to Sunday School but her regular teacher wasn't there and she freaked when she saw the husband of the substitute teacher there, even though we know them. So we went to 11:00 service instead and she was very good. They have those pads you can write on and then lift the plastic and it erases so she practiced writing letters the whole time after she finished coloring the kids bulletin.

Everybody went to bed early last night and consequently woke up at 6:30 this morning! That was rough, but I got up with them and R- slept more and then we switched.

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