Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Walking sticks

A- found some wooden dowels while I was cleaning her closet yesterday. She said she could use them for walking sticks and walked all around the house with them. Then she said she needed them when we were in Ohio and she hurt her knee (she was emotionally crippled by a skinned knee for several days). I asked her how she had ever heard of walking sticks and she said "in Deutschland". Amazing what she picks up, there were in fact people using walking sticks at several of the places we visited and apparently we must have talked about it.

G- stays forever in her bathtub. If A- is in there she'll very studiedly pour water on A-'s head over and over. Luckily A- doesn't mind, she just laughs. And G- loves to pour water, again, over and over. She fills up a cup at the faucet and pours it into another cup and when I turn the water off, she says "mor, mor". Last night, she washed Dora's hair (bathtub Dora, luckily) over and over. Unfortunately, she also likes to drink the bathwater, but that's another story.

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